Khamis, Oktober 09, 2008

Tagged from adik hazwan "Team Bagusla Sangat"...

Intro;- banyak yang xupdate kat blog ni ha heee...em tgh tunggu gamba2 dari adik...ngan abg...gamba time raye arituh..then gathering team baru kami Team Bagusla Sgt..nak tgk sape antara ahli2 kami ni...stay tune for the next entry...lalalala...lastly gud luck for the final exam okays!

1. The person who last tag you is:

Hazwan...or mayb kak kyms kot...eheh xsure...(to kak kyms: akak sy da wat tag tuh skalik uhuu...utk seken time sy xwatla kot uhuu)

2. Your relationship with him/her is
-Groupmate Team Bagusla sgt, adik yg byk ckp... =p tp jgn ske mrajuk sgt...sorila akak termakan abis bihun sup eh..igt hazwan gurau je :D sorry..lenkali akak banje eskrem moo k!..

3. Your five impression of him/her :
- Banyak ckp

-menggelikan hati

-sopan santun...muahaha

-cakap mcm guna mic

- hmm...baik.. =p..

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
- suka wat org gelak time mkn...

5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
-akak, kite tukar nak bihun sop akak yg bru siap msak tuh pastu akak plak ambik mushroom sup sy yg tgl ckit tuh..huh!..

6. If he/she become your lover, you will:
- ADIKLA nnt mrh plak seseorg tuh...bykla plak nk kna xplain kt dia nnt...huh!..

7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
- lover as adik bleh nk ajar dia jd keras skit...lelaki sejati...=p p/s: lgpon sy xde adik laki2..

8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: ade enemy ke? ntahla xpnh pk pon psl neh uhuu...kalu dia wat sy enemy dia dok dendiam je la..uhuu..

9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
-no reason kot...xske pk xelok kt org uhuu

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
- mintak gamba2 time gathering kat secrect recipe arituh! uhuu...nk tgk gamba2 yg akak ambil...cantek x..xsaba nk tgk!

11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
-hm..adik yg byk info...pelbgai info...educations, peoples, entertainment...foods and so on..eheh

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:
- 1.Pendiam, pdhal byk ckp

- 2. time mkn ske mkn abih dlu bru sembang..tu sbb akak mkn abis bhun tuh heee...sbb nk sembangla

- 3. ape ek korg pk ttg sy ni...em...ske sensorg je..kotla...spttnye soklan ni korg yg jwb uhu

- 4.sombong sy ckp sy xsombong...cuma tegur time perlu je... :D

- 5. ske usik org...lalalala..

13. The characters you love of yourself are:

- my heart...

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
-ske pk bukan2 then ske nangis pastuh! uhuu...slalu ckp kt dri sndri...xbaik sedih2 tau...pastu xfhm2 jgk uhuh!

15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
-nak jadi...manager yang berjaya...xkshla manager kt umah atau kt pejabat...nnt lalalala

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
- eee knp awk ckp kat sy camtuh...uhuu..pastu wat derk!

17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you :

okla em...saper ek..yg xkna tag ni lg uhuu...tu la asl rmai sgt neh sampai 10 org uhuu..

-1. kak kyms...muahaha kna lgik!
-2. ain shari
-3. syazwan ade blog x ek...hmm xpela bg je la dia jwb kt komen ni ke atau kt ning lalalala =p
-4. em..saper ek..

-5. korg jer la tulih k..

-6. null

-7. null

- 8. null

-9. null

-10. null

18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
- xdek org la

19. Is no.9 a male or female:
- xdok..

20. What is no.2 studying about?
- ain...em FOE xsure course ape... :D..

21. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
- err...xde chat pon...aritu last anta sms tulisan jawi kat dia ucap samat xde plak dia nak reply kat akak dia ni...mayb bz kot lyn tetamu raya.. atau alasan dia yg same...prepaid xcukup nk reply celcom muahaha =p..

22. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
- xdok org...

23.Does no.1 have any siblings?
- ofcourse yes! y?..

24. Will you woo no.3? why?
- hah?! woo tu ape?..

25. How about no.7?
- xdok org jugak

26. Is no.4 single?
- no 4? saper tu...kira ade yg single ade yg x kot...ade yg da kawin ade yg belom..

27. What is the surname of no.5?
- ntahla...korg je la jwb keh!

28. What’s the hobby of no.4?
- saper tu...em hobby dorg byk...same ade xsame pon ade...yg bese mcm bce buku la yg nak finals kan...muahaha (kebanyakan dak2 mmu yg view ni =p so, tuju kt dak2 yg memviewkan blog ni la =p)

29. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
- jeng jeng jenggg..

30. Where is no.2 studying at?
- mayb lam blik ostel dia kat MMU Cyberjaya

31. Talk something casually about no.1:
- ble nak kawin? lalala

32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
- nope!

33. Where does no.9 live at?
- dunno...sbb xde saper la kat no.9 tuh uhuu

34. What colour does no.4 like?
- all colours kot..

35. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
-kak kyms ske kwn ngan sape2 je...kan kan kan..akak! eheh..

fuhh slamat..da abis..korg jwbla ek... :D

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